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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Forskolin Side Effects -What side effect possible taking forskolin?

Forskolin Side Effect - Pure Forskolin Extract Possible Side Effects

Forskolin Side Effects: is forskolin safe pr have dangerous side effects possible?

Warning: This Forskolin Side Effects article it's about possible side effects of pure netural forskolin extract purchased from forskolin fuel officiel website. Other forskolin brands may have side effects because their poor Quality. 

Is Forskolin safe? pure forskolin extract  should have no side effects, but forskolin side effects can be if it take while pregnant or nursing. Contact a physician if you have a serious medical condition but still want to use the supplement.

3 easy but smart steps that should be followed when you buy forskolin:
1. Avoid brands that claim to be “Dr Oz” brands. As you may already know Doctor Oz does not endorse any brands and companies claiming otherwise are 100% frauds and should not be trusted.
2. Choose only supplements that are being manufactured in the United States, Canada or Europe. Due to strict regulations supplements manufactured in the mentioned regions are usually of a much higher quality. Higher quality = better results.
3. Do not expect to purchase forskolin for a dollar or two. Forskolin is expensive to produce and should cost at least $40-$45 per one bottle.
Brands That I Completely Trust and can Vouch For:
This is probably the best pure forskolin extract in the market today. I am usually recommending this brand to my friends and family who want to lose weight because it’s basically the best you can buy when it comes to forskolin. They sure know what they are doing. I have personally witnessed tons of success stories (people losing up to 12-13 lbs in their very first week with their forskolin) and this is why I am so comfortable recommending it. The only problem with them that can be a bit frustrating is that due to their recent popularity they are often out of stock and it can even take days for them to restock. You can go to their official website (web-store) by Clicking Here
What is the Science Beyond Forskolin Extract?
You may have already heard about the natural supplement forskolin by now – after all, it’s become increasingly popular in the last few years among people who are looking to lose weight, help with asthma, reduce the negative side effect associated with heart disease, and treat a wide range of other common ailments. 

With so many natural supplements on the market today, it can be difficult to know
which products produce the best results – however, forskolin has been used since the 1970’s, and has been recommended by many medical professionals for its plethora of health benefits. 

In fact, the supplement even featured on the popular syndicated television talk show, The Dr Oz Show, where the host recommended the product to blast belly fat. Other benefits of forskolin include increasing the amount of lean muscle mass on the body, and supporting metabolic function – both of which are ideal when trying to lose weight. This article explains the origins of this product, how it can help you to lose weight, and the other medical ailments it has been proven to help.

So, what exactly is forskolin?

Forskolin is a natural supplement which has been derived from the herb coleus forskohlii – part of the mint family of herbs – which can be found in Nepal, Thailand and Sri Lanka. In India, medical practitioners have used the herb for years to treat patients with heart disease, asthma, and other conditions. Researchers in the 1970’s isolated the chemically active ingredient in the herb and found it to have a positive effect on the muscles and blood pressure. During the 1980’s, 1990’s, and 2000’s, the supplement was used in nearly 20,00 studies because of its effect on a cell-regulating substance called cyclic adenosine monophosphate, or cAMP for short. 

Can pure forskolin extract help me lose weight?

Studies have shown that by increasing the cell-regulating substance cAMP, the supplement can cause the body to get rid of the fatty acids that are found in adipose tissue. These fatty acids are then burned off and transformed into an energy via the metabolic process. Both men and women across the world have already used the product, with many cases of people losing a significant amount of weight – sometimes in as little as a few weeks. Although the amount of weight loss will depend on the individual, research has shown that coleus forskohlii can help to burn fat quicker. 

What else can the product help with?

In addition to its fat-loss properties, the herb coleus forskohlii can also help with a wide range of other ailments:

+ Studies have shown that the supplement can help to treat inflammatory conditions such as eczema and asthma. These are often characterized by low cAMP levels in the skin and muscle, and taking the supplement can help to relieve the symptoms associated with these conditions. In one study undertaken in the 1980’s, 12 non-smoking volunteers either received forskolin or a separate drug called fenoterol. Although both improved respiratory function, fenoterol caused decreased blood potassium levels and caused tremors, while forskolin showed no negative side effect. 

+ Research has show that forskolin can also be beneficial when trying to improve cardiovascular health. Several studies have shown the effect the supplement can have on increasing the force of the heart muscle and relaxing the smooth muscle which surrounds the arteries in the body. These studies have focused into the effects the coleus forskohlii plant can have on cardiovascular function, and results have been extremely positive – for example, patients taking the supplement have reported lower blood pressure, an increase in oxygen transportation, and improved heart health. The product also didn’t cause any negative side effects in these individuals, making the supplement safe to consume. 

+ The product has also shown to treat patients with glaucoma, which is a disease that leads to loss of vision. In a study carried out during the 1980’s, individuals who were given the supplement in an eye-drop form showed significantly lower intraocular pressure without any constriction of the pupil or other side effects. 

+ Studies have also shown that the product could help with tanning the skin. Research undertaken in the 1970’s showed that applying coleus forskohlii in cream form to the backs of blonde mice could help turn them darker. This happened after just a few days of applying the product. Research also found that the more cream applied, the greater the UV protection, protecting the skin against the sun for as long as several weeks. The product worked its way out of the skin after a month of so once new skin cells developed. 

What research has been undertaken to suggest the products aids with fat loss?

Research has shown that forskolin can help to activate cAMP cells in the body, which can aid in burning body fat.

+ Individuals who are looking to lose weight have incorporated the product into their diet, with research showing that the supplement can stimulate lipolysis – helping to speed up the breakdown of stored fat in the body. 

+ The supplement can also prevent the synthesis of fat by activating the cAMP cells. Studies have shown that many overweight people have a lower cyclic AMP production than other those in a healthy weight range, and supplementation of the product could act as a weight loss aid for those trying to reduce body fat. 

+ In one study, undertaken in 2001, six women who were classified as being overweight took 25 mg of 10% standardized forskolin extract in capsule form. The capsules were taken two times a day for eight weeks, and their progress was closely monitored. After the trial had ended, these women had lost an average of ten pounds and reduced their body fat by nearly 8% – a significant difference from when they started the study. 

+ Another study, undertaken in 2005, saw 30 men who were classified as overweight or obese. The men took either 250 mg of the extract, or a placebo, twice a day for 12 weeks. This study showed similar results to the one undertaken four years previously, and the men who took the extract showed significant changes in the composition of their body when compared with the placebo group. A decrease in fat mass and body fat was reported, as well as an increase in lean body mass. Other changes were shown in the obese men, ranging from an increase in serum free testosterone levels, and an increase in bone mass. 

Are there any side effects taking forskolin?

Forskolin has become increasingly popular as a weight-loss supplement in recent years, and scientists and medical professionals generally support the product’s ability to increase the amount of fat on the body. Coleus forskohlii is good for weight loss as it can increase the body’s own fat burning abilities, helping you to lose weight over a prolonged period of time. What’s more, the product doesn’t produce any harmful reactions or side effects. Many of these supplements available on the market today consist of natural ingredients, and when used as part of a healthy lifestyle, can help to produce the desired results. 

Although forskolin is considered safe, you should consult with your doctor if you are currently taking blood-thinning medication. The product has been shown to lower blood pressure, so it’s best you speak with a medical professional before you start taking the supplement. Again, if you do experience any negative side effects when taking the supplement, speak to a medical professional immediately. 

What else can I do to lose fat?

If you are looking for noticeable results in your body composition over a prolonged period of time, taking the supplement while incorporating healthier foods into your diet could bring you a plethora of benefits. Foods which are low in fat and high in protein could help you lose fat over time, especially if you refrain from eating fatty, processed, or sugary foods which can have a negative impact on the body. Changing your lifestyle can have a number of health benefits. In addition to increasing the amount of lean muscle on your body and reducing the amount of body fat, a healthy diet can lower blood pressure and prevent the negative symptoms of life-threatening medical conditions from developing in the future, for example heart disease, cancer or stroke. A healthy diet can also give you a boost of energy throughout the day, giving you a better night’s sleep and making you feel more alert in the morning. 

How much of the supplement should I take?

How much forskolin you take on a daily basis will depend on the product you choose – always remember to read the instructions on the label carefully, and contact the manufacturer if you have any concerns or would like some additional information. Studies have shown that anywhere from 25 mg to 300 mg of coleus forskohlii every day can produce results, although there are no industry standards as of yet when it comes to the exact amount you should be taking.

How do I find a good coleus forskohlii product?

 Always look for a supplement that has at least 20% forskolin and take the capsules with water. The instructions on the label may tell you the best time to take the supplement – for example in the morning or during the day – or if you need to take the product on an empty stomach or with food. 

Further tips

Don’t expect instant weight loss. Like with any natural supplement or diet, weight loss can take time, so try not to feel despondent if you don’t see changes every day. A great way to track your progress is by weighing yourself only once a week, on the same day every week. Weighing yourself every day can lead you to become obsessive about your weight loss goals, and could have a negative effect on your mental health. Another tip is to ask your friends and family to help you realize your weight loss goals. They can encourage you to eat healthy foods alongside the forskolin supplementation, and you may even decide to workout together. 

Joining a gym can have a number of effects on your general health, as well as your mental health. Cardiovascular exercise, for example running on a treadmill several times a week, can help you to burn body fat even quicker. When you exercise, your brain releases chemicals called endorphins, also known as the body’s feel good chemicals, which can have a positive effect on your mental health. Remember – it may be hard getting into a new routine at first but after a few weeks, you will feel more alert and less tired, and slowly over time you will begin to see noticeable changes in the mirror. Even working out at home if you don’t have access to a gym can produce long-term results. Start off slowly and gradually develop an exercise plan that you can undertaken in addition to forskolin supplementation. You will be able to workout in the comfort of your own home, and can concentrate on exercises which strengthen the core muscles, tone the arms and legs, and help to banish any belly fat. 


Forskolin has been shown to have a number of health benefits, including improving cardiovascular health, eczema, asthma, and glaucoma, and assisting with weight loss. 

+ The herb coleus forskohlii can be found in Asia, and has been used by medical professionals in India for years to treat a wide range of different ailments. 

+ Studies show that the supplement can assist with natural weight loss, although you will need to continue to take the supplement over time to see the best results.

+ Supplementation of forskolin can boost cAMP production, which in turn can lead to better fat breakdown, and the reduction of body fat.

+ Combining exercise and a healthy diet alongside the supplementation can see even better results, and both can have a positive impact on your general and mental health in the long run.

+ Aim for a product with at least 10% forskolin to see the best results.

+ Studies have shown that taking between 25 mg to 300 mg of coleus forskohlii every day can assist with weight loss, although how much of the supplement you will need to take will depend on the brand that you purchase. Always consult with the manufacturer if you have any problem.

+ Although no side effects have been reported with this supplement, always consult your doctor before using the product if you are taking blood-thinning medication.

Disclaimer: use supplements at your own risk, your results may vary and you might not lose any weight. This website is based on personal opinion and information found online. No doctors, dietitians or scientists were used while creating this website. Actors were used. Always contact a professional physician if you have doubts before using supplements.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Dr Oz Forskolin Review - Why Dr Oz recommends Forskolin for weight loss

Dr Oz Forskolin Review - Why Dr Oz recommends Forskolin for weight loss

Dr Oz Forskolin : In their tv show Dr Oz review forskolin and told "Forskolin is the miracle supplement for weight loss" but how exactelly Dr Oz review forskolin extract for weight loss?

DrOz Say "Forskolin is the natural belly fat buster " but Dr.Oz olso talk about forskolin 125g . dosage and brands. in this short review we will olso speak about what forskolin extract that Dr Oz recommendation for best weight loss resultat.

While there are many weight loss supplements that do help with people’s weight loss efforts, DR Oz select few have really stood out. One of these is Forskolin. Now, you might be scratching your head as to what this supplement is. This is because Forskolin is not primarily used for weight loss.
In fact, Forskolin is a popular ingredient in many medications for asthma, high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, and as well as skin disorders. Scientists only recently discovered that an incredible side effect of consuming Forskolin is actually weight loss.
So not only does Forskolin help you burn fat tissues, it also promotes the production of lean muscle for that slimmer and tighter body.

How Forskolin Became Popular
Pure Forskolin for weight loss has actually been around for many years but it has only been known very recently. forskolin always been a well-kept secret of celebrities and the elite, who’ve miraculously lost weight after giving birth or when preparing for a role.
Forskolin came into national prominence through Dr. Oz – yes, the most famous doctor on TV today. In one of his show’s episodes, he dubbed Forskolin as “lightning in a bottle,” and promoted it as a rapid belly melt solution.

Impressed by the amount of scientific data showing positive results of Forskolin Dr. Oz recommended the use of Forskolin to anyone who wants to lose weight and burn fat – especially in the belly area.

Olso  A study done at the Penn State University College of Medicine found that obese people often have reduced cAMP production. If there were only a way to increase cAMP levels…

Dr. Oz had featured tons of natural supplements in his TV show and Forskolin is one of the best weight loss supplement that you’ll ever find. He even referred to Forskolin as “the rapid belly melt for every body type”.

Rachael Ray of “Every day with Rachael” conducted her own 4 week study to confirm if Forskolin is really effective. After the study, she was amazed and happy with the results. She lost 24 lbs. in 4 weeks with no exercise and no diet. She sleeps well, she’s full of energy, she feels good, and she looks good.

Forskolin Benefits:
Here are 3 major benefits to taking Forskolin:

1. Burns Body Fat

The boost of cAMP production stimulates the production of certain enzymes and hormones that speed up metabolism and burn extra calories. This also prevents your body from making more fat tissues, forcing your body to turn to your stored fat for energy.

2. Builds Lean Muscles
cAMP increases thyroid hormones and testosterone levels for fat burning and the increase of lean muscle mass.
Most body building supplements target the boost of testosterone levels to promote fast muscle mass. When you take Forskolin and you incorporate exercise into your weight loss efforts, expect to double the results of your exercise – giving you a leaner and firmer body that can’t be achieved by exercise alone.
The increase of testosterone also stimulates the effects of protein synthesis – which is essential for building more muscles in the body.

3. Breaks Down Fatty Tissues
Forskolin also stimulates protein kinase – which is used by the body to break down triglycerides – which are the building blocks of fatty tissues. When you have low levels of triglycerides, you have lower levels of fat tissues, and you’ll enjoy an overall healthier body.
Forskolin extract is one of the very few natural weight loss supplements that bring about more than just 1 benefit. While many products in the market help you burn fat or suppress your appetite, Forskolin takes it to the very next level by helping you build more muscles aside from helping your body burn fat faster and easier
How to Choose a Top Quality Pure Forskolin Extract
Like any other popular weight loss supplement that’s making the buzz in the industry, Forskolin extract has its share of critics and controversies. Why? Because of its popularity, hundreds of products that attest to containing Forskolin don’t actually work.
This is because a lot of brands in the market are made of low quality ingredients or are filled with binders and fillers that do nothing to your weight loss efforts.
So yes, it’s become really difficult to really find an authentic Forskolin extract that works. But by knowing the standards in the industry, as well as the major factors of a top quality Forskolin extract, choosing a brand that’s truly genuine will be as easy as 1-2-3.


Best Pure Forskolin Extract for Weight loss Facts
Here are the factors that need to be present in a Forskolin extract brand so it can be considered a top quality Forskolin supplement:
1. Must Contain 20% Forskolin Extract
20% pure and potent Forskolin extract is the golden standard in the industry. A lot of brands in the market only contain 10% or 15% and sadly, no matter what promises that brand make, it won’t work for weight loss.
If a product does not contain 20% Forskolin, then forget about it.
2. Must Be Made with 100% Natural Ingredients
Some Forskolin extracts contain other natural ingredients such as Vitamin C or magnesium but when there are ingredients that you are not familiar with, then be wary about the product.
Forskolin extract is 100% natural and so should the added ingredients.
3. Must Contain 125mg in Every Capsule
125mg of Forskolin must be contained in every capsule. Any less, and you’ve got a Forskolin supplement that won’t work. Taking Forskolin capsules once or twice a day is enough to help you lose weight in as little as 2-4 weeks.
4. Must be Backed by a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Every product that you buy should have a guarantee in case you do not like the results or if they do not work at all. This guarantee protects your money from being invested in things that do not really deliver.
When all of these factors are present in a Forskolin extract supplement, then you know you’ve got a high quality Forskolin supplement in your hands.

The Forskolin Supplement that Truly Delivers
Look no further than Forskolin Fuel – pure Forskolin extract that delivers results. It meets every standard of a top quality Forskolin extract, namely:
  • ·         Contains 20% pure and potent Forskolin extract
  • ·          Made of 100% natural ingredients
  • ·         Offers a 90-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • ·         Contains 125mg in every capsule
  • ·         Contains 30 capsules in every bottle

Meeting the criteria of a high quality pure Forskolin extract, getting your supply of Forskolin Fuel from its official websitewill give you fast weight loss without the hidden fees and monthly auto-billing feature that most weight loss supplements have.
When you buy Forskolin Fuel, all you’ll pay for is the product you order and that’s it – no hidden fees and no automatic shipping enrollments. All orders are shipped within 24 hours and you’ll receive your supply in a matter of days!
Losing weight may not happen overnight and it might not be easy, but you can increase the speed of your weight loss efforts through the help of Forskolin fuel – the weight loss supplement that will finally give you a slimmer and leaner body.


Monday, September 28, 2015

Forskolin Extract – Pure Forskolin Extract Review

Forskolin For Weight Loss : What is forskolin mean and how it work for weight loss ?

Pure Forskolin Extract review for who ask what is forskolin supplement and how it work for weght loss as Dr OZ tell that " pure foreskolin is the miracle natural weight loss supplement".

Forskolin , what is forskolin ? Forskolin is a natural substance derived from the plant Coleus Forskohlii.
Many scientific studies have shown that pure forskolin extract  is a powerful natural substance in weight loss that helps you lose weight because of its thermogenic action.

Forskolin -based supplements are recommended to all those who wish to regain a slim body.
Forskolin is not only beneficial for the line, but also for the overall health of the body.
Clinical studies have shown that forskolin helps you lose weight through a combined action that helps improve:
  1. Metabolic rate
  2. The ability of cells to reject the fat
  3. Forskolin enhances the action of the body thermogenic
  4. Forskolin reduces the amount of body fat

What is forskolin specifically?

Forskolin is a natural substance that can be extract only a particular type of plant,

Coleus Forskohlii. With its unique power, forskolin is one of the natural supplements for weight loss most powerful and best known.
The best products based on forskolin not only help you lose weight, but also allow you to take advantage of the natural properties of the extract offer benefits to the overall health of the body.
Forskolin can be easily integrated into food supplements due to the form of capsules.

How does forskolin work?

Forskolin is a unique product, not comparable to any other natural substance that contains elements that can make the cells resistant to grease and has a powerful action thermogenic. Forskolin helps the body burn calories faster and also acts as a vasodilator, favoring an efficient natural thermogenic action.

scientific studies

Forskolin was the subject of many scientific studies that have demonstrated the remarkable properties of this powerful natural extract. It was shown that forskolin acts effectively against the overweight.
In a more specific study, it was shown that forskolin significantly increases lean body mass, bone mass and affects testosterone levels in men.
Through this study published in a medical journal note of the supplement forskolin has become a well used in bodybuilding.
Other research has shown that taking forskolin also helps:
  •   Forskolin extract Improve the function of the urinary tract
  •   Forskolin extract Improve the nervous system

Research still experimental, seeking to understand whether forskolin has a positive influence in Parkinson's disease.

Forskolin in Dr. Oz Show
Forskolin is a natural slimming substance which owes its fame to the doctor. Oz, which has been much discussed its properties in the famous TV show.
The American doctor called forskolin "a single powerful thermogenic" because it causes the body to burn calories and excess fat, thanks to its ability to "break down the fat. "


For whom is forskolin? What makes this amazing substance is that it is an extract of a plant, so it is a 100% natural product.

Forskolin is suitable for men and women:
  • Want to lose weight easily
  •  Want a body with less fat
  •  Need to speed up their metabolism
forskolin is a comprehensive product that helps improve the amount of energy available, offering numerous health benefits andwell being of the entire body.

Side effects of forskolin
To date there are no known side effects that may result from the use of a supplement containing forskolin.

The best supplements a basic forskolin are 100% natural and contain only pure forskolin. However its use is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.
To purchase forskolin you do not need a prescription because it is a natural product, but manufacturers recommend that you consult your doctor before taking this product if you take other drugs if you suffer other diseases.

How do I take forskolin?
As it is a plant extract that comes from a plant, the only way to enjoy all its benefits is to take it as a dietary supplement.
To enjoy all the benefits of this slimming product, it is recommended to take forskolin supplements for at least three months.

Forskolin Where to buy?

Please do not try to buy forskolin from amazon or purchase it from walmart as On the forskolin market there are many supplements containing forskolin, but they are not all equally effective. Forskolin fuel  is a reliable manufacturer, renowned for the quality of its products, which offers a PURCHASE 90 DAY GUARANTEE and free shipping.

As recommended by Dr. Oz, the required daily dosage is two capsules daily Forskolin fuel, taken in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before dinner.


Forskolin pharmacy

Best forskolin-based supplements can be purchased online and if the purchase is done directly on the producer's website, the price is really advantageous.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why forskolin?
Forskolin is a comprehensive product that helps your body to burn excess fat, reducing fat mass. This means that with forskolin you can lose weight without much effort.

How to weight lose with ? Like all natural products, it is not possible to get accurate data because the results can vary depending on the lifestyle and eating habits of each person.

Forskolin est¬ce it work? Yes, forskolin really works and slimming properties of its active ingredients have been scientifically proven in humans.

IS supplements containing forskolin is  all the same? Absolutely not. It is important to choose the right premium for the results offered by forskolin.

How to choose the right product  based on pure forskolin extract? We have selected the best supplements, evaluated both according to their efficiency and reputation of the company that produces them.

Forskolin and thyroid
Although the best supplements are 100% natural, if you suffer from thyroid and want to lose weight using forskolin, it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking it.

take forskolin during pregnancy? No, as with any supplement, although natural, consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not recommended.